October 16th, 2024




Welcome to the Construction Innovation Summit | Saudi 2024, the epicenter where visionary ideas and industry trailblazers come together to redefine the future of construction.

This forum serves as your portal to a vibrant exchange of knowledge, where visionaries, experts, and pioneers unite to delve into the latest trends, technologies, and strategies revolutionizing the construction and facilities management realm. From sustainable building practices and innovative materials to digital construction methodologies and cutting-edge project management, our forum provides a panoramic view of the ever-evolving construction industry. Join us in this collaborative arena to gain insights, forge connections, and spark innovation as we collectively drive the construction sector into a new era of excellence in the Kingdom.


Panel 1


Leading contractors on trends, sustainability, technology, AI, collaborative innovation, and how they envision the future.

Panel 2


Discover how our consultants' strategic planning, project management, financial planning, regulatory support, and collaboration among key stakeholders are shaping the very policies that drive Vision 2030.

Panel 3


Our industry experts will delve into the industry landscape, government initiatives, smart cities, budget allocation, cost management, economic fluctuations, challenges, and future roadmap, providing invaluable insights for your preparation.



Shifts in Contracting

Explore the dynamic landscape of contracting, delving into the latest innovations and advancements that are reshaping the industry. From the rise of remote work arrangements to the adoption of digital contracts and blockchain technology, uncover the transformative forces driving change in contracting practices.

International Contracting

Navigate the complexities of global business endeavors as we delve into the intricacies of international contracting. From managing cultural differences and navigating diverse legal frameworks to mitigating geopolitical risks, gain insights into the challenges and opportunities inherent in conducting business across borders.

Green Horizons

Discover the pivotal role of contracting in fostering sustainability and environmental stewardship within the supply chain. Explore how ethical sourcing practices, initiatives for diversity and inclusion, and environmentally conscious decision-making are reshaping contracting strategies to create a more sustainable future.

Technology Integration and Automation

Unlock the potential of technology and automation in revolutionizing contracting processes. From AI-powered contract analytics to e-signature solutions and contract management platforms, explore the transformative impact of technology on streamlining operations, enhancing efficiency, and mitigating risks in contracting.

Future of Contracting

Peer into the horizon of the contracting profession and envision its future trajectory amidst rapid technological advancements and evolving stakeholder expectations.


Strategic Navigation

From crafting long-term visions to implementing actionable strategies, we will talk on how consultants leverage their expertise to guide businesses towards their goals. Insights into effective planning methodologies, innovative approaches, and best practices that empower organizations to navigate change and achieve sustainable growth will be discussed.

Mastering Project Management

The secrets to effective project management with our panel of expert consultants will be unlocked. We will explore proven methods, leadership strategies, and collaborative approaches that drive successful project outcomes. From initiation to completion, gain insights into overcoming challenges and delivering results on time and within budget.

The Art of Financial Planning

Discover the art of financial planning with our panel of seasoned consultants. How do consultants leverage their expertise to optimize resources, manage risks, and drive sustainable growth? Explore innovative strategies, investment opportunities, and best practices that empower organizations to achieve financial objectives and navigate economic complexities with confidence.

Regulatory Support

Join our expert consultant panel to delve into the critical role of regulatory support. Discover how consultants navigate regulations, facilitate compliance, and drive policy advancements for organizational success.

Uniting Key Players for Collective Impact

What is the power of collaboration among key stakeholders? How do consultants facilitate effective communication, foster partnerships, and drive collective action to achieve shared goals and drive organizational success?


Industry Landscape

Through the lens of construction giants, we will converse about emerging trends, innovative projects, and market dynamics shaping the future of real estate development. Discover the challenges and opportunities fueling growth and transformation, led by the expertise of industry leaders.

Smart Cities

Immerse yourself in the future of urban development with our expert panel on Smart Cities. Explore groundbreaking technologies, sustainable solutions, and collaborative strategies that are reshaping the very fabric of our cities. Join industry leaders as they unpack the potential of Smart Cities to revolutionize how we live, work, and interact in the urban environments of tomorrow.

Budget Allocation

Explore how strategic budget allocation is transforming the real estate and development sector. How do developers optimize resources to maximize returns, enhance project efficiency, and drive sustainable growth?


Navigate the intricate landscape of challenges facing developers and the real estate sector. Explore how industry leaders are overcoming obstacles such as regulatory hurdles, market fluctuations, and sustainability concerns to drive innovation and progress.

Future Roadmap

Embark on a journey into the future of real estate development as we unveil the roadmap for developers. Explore innovative strategies, emerging trends, and transformative technologies that will shape the industry's trajectory in the years to come.



  • Onsite product branding
  • Placement of logo on all the event’s marketing collaterals preceding the event
  • Placement of logo in event email shots to the Construction Business News ME mailing list
  • Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials, including pre- and post-event
  • coverage to be featured online and dispersed via relevant social media, and pre- and post-event coverage in print
  • Social media Platinum Ally placement
  • Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations as platinum sponsor
  • Placement of logo on event site branding as Platinum Sponsor
  • Ally seating affords two full tables for the Platinum Ally
  • Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
  • 12 full print pages to be used at your discretion within a period of six months in any edition of Construction Business News ME mailing list


  • Placement of logo on all the event’s marketing collaterals preceding the event by 1 months
  • Placement of logo in event email shots to the Construction Business News ME mailing list
  • Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials, including pre- and post-event coverage to be featured online and dispersed via relevant social media, and pre- and post-event coverage in print
  • Social media placement mentions on Construction Business News ME platforms
  • Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations as Gold Sponsor
  • Placement of logo on event site branding as Gold Sponsor
  • Ally seating affords one full table for the Gold Ally that will accommodate 15 guests
  • Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
  • 6 Full print pages in Construction Business News to be used at your discretion within a period of 4 months in any edition of Construction Business News ME mailing list


  • Placement of logo on all the event’s marketing collaterals preceding the event by 1 months
  • Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials, including pre and post-event coverage to be featured online and dispersed via relevant social media, and pre- and post-event coverage in print
  • Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations as Silver sponsor
  • Placement of logo on event site branding as Silver sponsor
  • Ally seating affords one full table for the Silver Ally that will accommodate 10 guest
  • Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
  • 3 Full print pages in Construction Business News to be used at your discretion within a period of 12 months in any edition of Construction Business News ME


  • Placement of logo on all the event’s marketing collaterals preceding the event
  • Mentions in press releases and subsequent published materials, including pre and post-event coverage to be featured online and dispersed via relevant social media, and pre- and post-event coverage in print
  • Placement of logo on event print and digital invitations as a category sponsor
  • Placement of logo on event site branding as a category sponsor
  • Ally seating affords one full table for the Category Ally that will accommodate 5 guests
  • Video footage and imagery of the event released for promotional usage
  • 1 Full print page in Construction Business News to be used at your discretion within any edition of Construction Business News ME


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