Stefano Iannacone, managing director of Mapei, discusses why the company has made sustainability and LEED certification its top priority
How important is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for Mapei?
LEED certification, granted by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI), is a measure of the quality of suppliers and an indication of the efforts of that company to improve sustainability, hence LEED certification is of paramount importance for our company.
Have you found that being LEED-certified improves brand credibility and sales?
The chairperson and chief executive of Mapei, Dr Giorgio Squinzi, cares passionately about the environment. This passion and commitment are conveyed to and respected by our 7500 employees across the world, hence certification is not about credibility nor improved sales, it is about the environment and our efforts to improve and sustain it.
Do you think buyers in the market are actively looking for sustainable products? Is there a demand for it?
Yes, buyers are aware of sustainability requirements and there is a demand for these types of products with governmental and related authorities mandating sustainable building standards.
What sets your products apart from the rest?
Mapei has a worldwide track record dating back to 1937 in Milan, Italy. Our global brand is very well respected and is perceived to be green and sustainable, and at the higher end of quality.
How important is it to invest in sustainable raw materials in this day and age?
Sustainable raw materials are the backbone of finished products. It is also mandatory in making the final product meet green initiatives such as low volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The aftereffect of using sustainable raw materials is best illustrated in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, healthcare centres and clinics where indoor air quality is of paramount importance.
Does the decisions made at last year’s COP21 affect construction suppliers like Mapei? If yes, how does it change things?
We applaud the decisions made last year at COP21 as extremely positive. Mapei has been supporting global initiatives on sustainability since 2011 when the Group got involved in the USGBC and their green initiatives. Thus, COP21 initiatives strengthen our efforts in the direction of ‘clean manufacturing’ and green, sustainable product range.