In our 7th feature of Women in Construction, Sangeetha Sukanth highlights on women in the MEP industry, a predominantly male dominated industry.
HVAC is a vital sector of the UAE economy that is essential to maintaining residential and commercial clients’ ambient temperatures, healthy and ideal air quality, and enough ventilation. Given the extensive use of HVAC systems, it is imperative that cost-effectiveness, sustainability, insulation, and energy efficiency all work together harmoniously to prevent further strain on the environment.
Reduction of waste of any kind is important, as is making every effort to reuse and recycle. Sangeeta is attempting, therefore, to emphasize the measures taken by CMS Global to be responsible global citizens and to instil this in all of their dealings to the greatest extent feasible. She also considers it an honour to represent a business that can be environmentally friendly and retrofitted in existing systems.
In addition to her specification position, she ensures that clients are well informed and educated about the finest systems that meet project requirements while maintaining equipment life expectancy. Additionally, she works with several UAE government agencies, including the Abu Dhabi Civil Defense, Dubai Civil Defense, and ESL, to obtain all necessary certifications for the various components and ensure that all of the offers comply with the UAE’s regulations and safety requirements.

Gender Equality
Sangeetha primarily caters to MEP consultants and clients, a predominantly male-dominated industry. She will usually be rushing from a consultant office to a building site, meeting with the sales team, preparing the docket for project specifications, providing training and having conversations with clients and consultants, visiting factories with consulting engineers, etc. This comprehensive list continues to grow as industry forums, conferences, and meetings are added.
An extensive component of firefighting is responding to unforeseen circumstances. She was sometimes the only woman in the room full of seasoned guys who worked in this industry. Sangeetha frequently has to extend this to the weekends as well, depending on the exigencies of the moment, and all of this necessitates a small amount of time sacrifice from her schedule. She may miss some beautiful times spent with her family at home, but she relaxes by spending time with her husband and two children, the other Trois Mousquetaires, after surviving these fights.

Futuristic Scope
Sangeetha has worked in this industry and this world’s region for almost ten years, climbing the ladder on pleasant and occasionally turbulent journeys. However, she relishes every second of the trip and can get her hands grimy with various products and solutions by immersing herself in them.
In this sector, where men predominate, one must be technically sound and have a compelling mix of abilities to avoid being overbearing. Because they believe ‘women’ might not be able to handle challenging or technical problems, some patricians still prefer to have a man in the group to handle such kinds of issues. Without diminishing the el hombre, Sangeetha wants to stress that women who have put in the time and effort are just as capable of using their fire and passion to achieve the necessary outcomes.

Golden Words
“Even though there could be times when you feel a little burned out, my parents’ encouragement and ideals kept me motivated to keep working harder. Above all, the most motivating factor in my sprint that has enabled me to become the person I am today was the CMS team’s and management’s faith in me.” Sangeetha Sukanth said.