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This forum aims to inspire and empower construction, architects, designers, real estate developers, and stakeholders in the logistics, transport, electric vehicles, energy, and architecture sectors. By exploring key topics and discussing innovative solutions, this forum will equip attendees with the knowledge and insights to implement sustainability practices in their projects, becoming catalysts for positive transformation in sustainability.


8:30 - 9:15 am

Registration & Networking

9:15 - 9:30 am

Opening speech/ Keynote speech

9:30 - 10:00 am

Panel 1: New Tomorrow With Sustainable Urban Planning







10:00 - 10:30 am

Panel 2: Talk Less, Do More: How Businesses Can Turn Their Sustainability Strategies Into Action






10:30 - 11:00 am

Panel 3: Planet-Friendly Hospitality






11:00 - 11:30 am

Panel 4: Reducing Our Carbon Footprint: Sustainable Practices for Designers, Architects, and Suppliers in the UAE






11:30 am

Closing Remarks


Panel1: CBNME

Topic: New Tomorrow With Sustainable Urban Planning


Smart Growth Strategies, Policy & Regulation:

Smart growth strategies balance development with environmental conservation, promote mixed-use developments, and reduce urban sprawl. These methods ensure efficient land use, enhance community livability, and support sustainable transportation like biking and public transit. Integrating green infrastructure, such as green roofs and permeable pavements, boosts ecological health and resilience.

Additionally, policy and regulation are crucial for sustainable urban planning. Governments can implement zoning laws for high-density, mixed-use developments and incentivize green building practices. Effective policies also address climate change adaptation, resource management, and community engagement, fostering long-term urban sustainability and economic growth.

Developer and Real Estate Perspective:

From a developer and real estate perspective, sustainable urban planning involves creating efficient, eco-friendly communities that balance growth with environmental preservation. This includes integrating green infrastructure, promoting mixed-use developments, and ensuring efficient land use. Developers focus on energy-efficient buildings, sustainable materials, and smart technology to enhance livability. Real estate strategies emphasize value through sustainable practices, attracting environmentally conscious buyers and investors. Ultimately, sustainable urban planning supports long-term economic growth and community well-being.

Contracting Practices:

A contractor's perspective on sustainable urban planning emphasizes eco-friendly construction practices and materials. This includes reducing waste, optimizing energy efficiency, and incorporating green infrastructure like permeable pavements and green roofs. Contractors play a key role in executing designs that foster sustainable growth, reduce environmental impact, and support efficient resource management. By prioritizing sustainability, contractors help create resilient urban spaces that adhere to regulatory standards and contribute to long-term environmental and economic health.

The MEP Way!

MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) systems are vital for sustainable urban planning, boosting energy efficiency and reducing resource consumption. Advanced HVAC systems manage energy use, while energy-efficient lighting and electrical systems cut power consumption. Sustainable plumbing, including low-flow fixtures and greywater recycling, conserves water. Smart technologies and automation in MEP systems ensure optimal performance. These sustainable practices make MEP systems key contributors to creating eco-friendly, resilient urban environments, supporting long-term sustainability and enhancing quality of life.

Panel 2: ENT

Talk Less, Do More: How Businesses Can Turn Their Sustainability Strategies Into Action

The business world is certainly seeing a lot more talk about sustainability than ever before—but how many of those words are actually being put into action? This session aims to look past the talkers and focus instead on the doers by bringing together business leaders from enterprises large and small to explain how they’ve actually gone about implementing their sustainability strategies. They will also reveal if any of their efforts have had a positive impact on their bottom lines. Plus, these leaders will share actionable tips that other enterprises can use in their own journeys towards sustainability--don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from the trailblazers who are leading the way in sustainable business practices in the Middle East and beyond.

  • Let’s start with the basics- ever since COP28 was announced to be happening in the UAE last year, we’ve certainly been hearing a lot about sustainability and ESG and all in the business world. From your personal experiences, how much of it is just talk and/or PR spiel, and how much of it is actually making change happen? Also, what do you think needs to change for more of the latter to happen?
  • Each person on this panel has been chosen to be a speaker because we believe that you are not just a talker, but also a doer, when it comes to putting sustainability into action. Keeping that in mind, can you take us through the journey you have embarked on sustainability within your own enterprise, and how you’ve gone about putting that into action? Have you seen any results already, and if so, what are they? Any figures/stats/etc. you can share will be welcome.
  • As we mentioned earlier, sustainability was certainly a hot topic during the COP28 era–but is that still the case? How would you suggest that business leaders go about making sure their sustainability efforts are carried through for the long term? How do we make sure the goals we set for ourselves are achievable and realistic–plus, how do you suggest that they are measured, communicated, and reported upon?
  • For those businesses in the room who are thinking about embarking on their own journeys toward sustainability, what would be your advice for them to get started? And let’s be honest about this process–for instance, do they really need to hire that expensive ESG consultancy to look at things from the outside, or should it start with an internal assessment? How did you personally go about it in your business, and what are the lessons you learned through it?

Panel 3: HCNME

Planet-Friendly Hospitality

This panel will explore a range of measures, from high-tech innovations to simple, practical strategies, needed to embed sustainability deeply within hospitality operations. It will highlight the ongoing challenges, the existing opportunities, and the road ahead to sustainable growth without causing further environmental damage.

  • Strategies for reducing waste in hotels and restaurants.
  • How to source ethically and minimise environmental impact, including the impacts and logistics of local sourcing for restaurants and hotels.
  • Balancing economic benefits with environmental protection from a travel and tourism perspective.
  • Navigating and leveraging eco-labels and green ratings.

Panel 4: DME

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint: Sustainable Practices for Designers, Architects, and Suppliers in the UAE


Energy-Efficient Design: Incorporate design strategies such as natural ventilation, daylighting, and shading to reduce reliance on mechanical systems for cooling and lighting.

Water Conservation: Implement water-efficient fixtures, greywater recycling systems, and native landscaping to minimise water consumption in buildings and landscapes

Renewable Energy Integration: Integrate solar panels or wind turbines into building designs to harness renewable energy sources and reduce dependency on fossil fuels.

Collaboration and Education: Foster collaboration among designers, architects, suppliers, and clients to promote sustainable practices and raise awareness about the importance of reducing carbon footprints.

Green Building Certifications: Aim for green building certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or Estidama Pearl Rating System to ensure projects meet stringent sustainability standards.


Platinum Ally


  • Priority placement of logo on all event advertisements including all event-related newsletters and e-mailers
  • Priority placement of logo on event invitations and social media mentions


  • Priority placement of logo on all banners at venue
  • 3x3 exhibition space
  • Exclusive presentation opportunity at event


  • Extensive coverage on Construction Business News ME, Hotel & Catering News ME, Design Middle East, and Logistics News, Entrepreneur Middle East print edition
  • Video footage and interview from the event to be uploaded on the website and the Youtube channel
  • 4 full page ads to be used in 2024
  • Two editorial contributions in 2024

Gold Ally


  • Priority placement of logo on website, newsletters, and e-mailers
  • Priority placement of logo on event invitations and social media mentions


  • Placement of logo on event site branding
  • 3x3 exhibition space
  • Priority placement of logo on event invitations and social media mentions


  • Extensive coverage on Construction Business News ME, Hotel & Catering News ME, Design Middle East, and Logistics News, Entrepreneur Middle East print edition
  • Video footage and interview from the event to be uploaded on the website and the Youtube channel
  • Three full-page print ads in 2024
  • Two editorial contribution in 2024

Silver Ally


  • Priority placement of logo on website, newsletters, and e-mailers
  • Priority placement of logo on event invitations and social media mentions


  • Priority placement of logo on all banners at the venue
  • 3x3 exhibition space
  • Opportunity to be part of the discussion as a panelist


  • Extensive coverage on Construction Business News ME, Hotel & Catering News ME, Design Middle East, and Logistics News, Entrepreneur Middle East print edition
  • Video footage and interview from the event to be uploaded on the website and the Youtube channel
  • Three full-page print ads in 2024
  • One editorial contribution in 2024

Category Ally


  • Placement of logo on website, newsletters, and e-mailers


  • Placement of logo on event site branding
  • 3x3 exhibition space
  • Priority placement of logo on event invitations and social media mentions


  • Extensive coverage on Construction Business News ME, Hotel & Catering News ME, Design Middle East, and Logistics News, Entrepreneur Middle East print edition